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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chris Brown Selling Pitbull Puppies....

It wasn't like a needed another reason not to like him; no, I have not forgiven him for beating up Rhianna. Have you?  And now I like him even less!!  I am pretty sure he doesn't care that he's on my bad side, but I am (not so) secretely hoping that this will affect his popularity negatively....eventually Karma has to catch up with this guy too!

I guess singing with Pitbull wasn't enough for Chris Brown, he is now apparently also breeding Pit Bull puppies, which he so graciously is putting up for sale for $1,000 each. Why?  Does he not make enough money on his music career?  Has he never heard of animal shelters overflowing with needy animals? Or is it that he simply just doesn't care?

According to the, there is an epidemic of Pit bull breeding right now, combined with a deluge of unwanted Pit bulls being abandoned, given away for free on Craigslist, or surrendered to animal shelters.  Yet, here is my very least favorite "star" adding to the problem by breeding more.   I hope he doesn't sell a single one, and end up spending his precious money taking care of these poor animals. Next  I hope he hires a new PR team who has the sense to talk him out of doing any more idiotic stunts!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Morning...

I haven't had much to say lately; or I guess, more correctly, haven't had much I wished to share.  The past few weeks, I've let life's little crisis get in the way of most, spending more  time being annoyed at incompetent customer service representatives, angry at people for not living up to my expectations, doubting my own abilities and so on and so use in spewing out the negative crap, so I chose to be silent instead. But what is it they say?   

"It is not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." Epictetus  

That line has rung true for centuries, and still is.  It's all in the attitude. I know you have heard me say it before, but I guess I needed a reminder (read attitude adjustment!) myself.

Photo by Kangshutters/

Some times life seems overbearing, but really, all one has to do is turn on the news to realize that things could be so much worse!  

My kids may  be loud and obnoxious, ungrateful at times, and definitely argumentative.  But they are alive and healthy, do well in school, have good friends, and I doubt, will ever be targeted as a "suspicious person" based on their looks by a neighborhood watch person, with the tragic consequences that has proven to have. I may not have a large family or a million friends, but my family is close; we all care about each others well being and enjoy each others company, and my friends I can count on to always be there for me when I need them as they can with me. I don't need to be Ms. Popular, I just need a few good women and men :-) I don't have the biggest house, but I have a place to call home. In these times, that should no longer be taken for granted.  

Yes, I want more out of life, and yes, I want to better myself and provide better for my children.  But in the mean time, I really try listening to my second favorite quote;  

"He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have." Socrates

So here's to a happy Monday and a great week!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

9 Deadly Words Used by Women

I guess it's true.  We don't always say what we mean; or we mean something completely different than you think we do. So here to help the men decipher our "code", are nine deadly words and phrases used by women (study them!):

1. Fine This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2. Five Minutes If she is getting dressed, this is a half hour.  Five minutes is only five minutes when you have been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. 

3. Nothing This is the calm before the storm.  It means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing, usually end with fine. 

4. Go Ahead This is a dare, not a permission.  Don't do it!

5. Loud Sigh This is not actually a word,  but a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. This means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here arguing with you about nothing (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing)

6. That's OK This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man.  This means  she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. 

7. Thanks A woman is thanking you. Do not question (or faint). Just say "you're welcome". Do not make the mistake of confusing this with "Thanks a lot" - that is pure sarcasm, and she is not thanking you at all.  DO NOT say "you're welcome". That will bring on a "whatever". 

8. Whatever A woman's way of saying F*ck You! (My favorite phrase by the way...)

9. Don't Worry About It, I Got It Another dangerous statement meaning this is something a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing herself.  This will later result in a man asking "what's wrong?"  For the woman's response, refer to #3.

Well there you have it.  To spread peace and happiness, please share with your male friends.

Monday, April 9, 2012

They're THAT Big?!?

Yet again, I had the pleasure of embarrassing the crap out of my kids. That is the one reward we get as parents living with preteens and teenagers.  No matter how hard you try, you will not be a cool parent, so might as well get the most joy out of the embarrassing moments. 

I am not a pet person.  God love the people who wants to fill their homes with cats and dogs and every other creature....and actually take care of them.  I, on the other hand, would like no more than a clean house that actually stayed clean for more than a half hour, where everything is in its place and there are no funky smells from anyone or anything living here.  My kids however, if allowed to, would have a dog, a cat, a hamster, a ferret, birds, mice, a turtle, an aquarium, and the list goes on and on....since I refuse to pay for any of it, and we have a severe lack of space for more than ourselves, the pet collection is so far pretty slim (Thank God!!). That doesn't stop them from wanting to visit the pet store every single day so they can plot and plan for their next buy.  

So the other day, we stopped in one of the pet supermarkets so they could "just take a quick look at the animals".  Generous as I am, I gave them five minutes to fill the pet void.  As I am wondering around looking at all the animals that I am so grateful are not living in my house, a rat caught my eye.  First I thought it was giving birth, so I call my son over to check this out.  Then I figured out nothing was actually coming out of his body, so I decided it must be sick....I mean, what is that thing?  After diagnosing the poor rat with cancer (what else would leave such a large lump?), I discovered one of the other rats had it too.  My poor son is trying to give me a better explanation, but oh no. I had to confirm my suspicion and called over one of the store clerks.  

She gave me a blank stare as I asked what was wrong with their bottoms...."uh, ma'am, that's a male...see there's two of those?  It's his testicles....."  Most would probably have turned away slightly embarrassed, but not me.  "What?!?  That's his testicles?  They're that big?  Geez, I thought it was a tumor..." I exclaimed loudly enough for the whole dog obedience class to hear behind me, and apparently peak some of their interest enough to have a look at the mega-size testicles too.  "Are they all like this?" I continued as I went from cage to cage to inspect the bottoms of the other rodents.  Apparently they were all female, or were at least not given balls the size of their heads... 

The store clerk had quickly removed herself from my side, and as I turned to make a comment to my kids about my discovery, I found, so had they.  Apparently discussing testicle sizes with their mom, is not a favorite subject for preteens. Who knew? I saw their heads bopping down behind the next row of shelves, and as I came around and informed them time was up, they scurried out the door before anyone else could see they were with me. I am thinking it will be a while before they decide to ask me to take them to the pet store again...hmm, what a loss...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I Love My Life!!

I found it!!  After dropping the kids off at school,  I heard this song from the car next to me at a red light.  Loved it!  So much that I "stalked" the car so I could finish hearing the song....with my beautiful morning look, I'm pretty sure she was getting a bit scared by the third verse, but I love the message.

So here it is.  I too love my life, with all it's obstacles and rewards, ups and downs. Memories created by both good and bad decisions. And of course, my friends and family - and more than anything, my children. We never know what tomorrow will bring, so listen and take it in.  Live your life today!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools

A little late in the day, but better late than never...

It's always fun to fool somebody on this day, especially the kids.  I got them good last year when I told them their spring break got canceled because their cousin was sick...unfortunately the "April Fools" came a little too late, and both were crying their eyes out before I got that far.  I still got a good laugh, but somehow they didn't think it was so funny.  Then, as my son was in the bathroom, I screamed and yelled for him to "kill it!!!" acting like a big bug crawled under the door.  The other one, who did not see any bug, but knows how they freak me out, chimed in and screamed even louder than me.  Poor guy!  I opened the door, and he was sitting with both feet planted on top of the toilet seat while screaming and looking for the monster bug...they didn't find that one amusing either,  but again, I got a good laugh. 

Well, payback's a bitch! As we went out for a "family fun Sunday", we're driving along, talking and singing along to the radio and having a great time, when my son (with last year's April Fools fresh in mind) yells from the back seat - "OMG there's bug on your seat!"  

I may not have full blown entomophobia, but I scream like a school girl when I see bugs.  Yes, any bugs! Allowing the kids, against my better judgement, to eat in the car, I always bitch about the messes they make, and my standard statement is "This is like a feast for bugs, is that what you want? A bug infested car?" So of course there is no doubt in my mind, this actually happened, and I am envisioning bugs crawling out from every vent...eeewwww! With both of them yelling from the back seat, now informing me it crawled over the top of the seat, I am ready to jump out of a moving car.  I screamed, pulled the car in to the next side street and jumped out while yelling "where is it?  Did it get on me?" all while jumping up and down, brushing off my back and hair, and ready to tear off my shirt.  Then i hear the roaring laughter from the back seat...."April Fools!! Told you we'd get you back!"

They have no idea how close they got to be put up for adoption.....but oh, I will get them back!!  Muahahaha....