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Monday, June 4, 2012

Letting the Bitch Out

I try.  I really do try to be good and nice, do the right things, be a good role model for my kids, a good friend and all that. But seriously, sometimes I really just want to be like the B in Apartment 23.

Acting like Chloe in the TV show, with a whole lot more "me-attitude" than I have ever had, sounds quite nice actually. Maybe not as extreme as her, but it could certainly be refreshing to just do whatever I would like without having to worry about how it may affect anyone else.
Finagle my way around having to do housework or take care of any other responsibilities. Get what I wanted from people without having to give anything of myself.  Have what I want without really having to work for it; do what I want, when I want to...yep, I think I could get used to it.  So much so, that I actually gave some thought to what I would do if I just left my inner bitch in charge for a while.

Sadly (or maybe not), I don't have it in me. Don't get me wrong, I'm no angel.  If I ever have to confess to all the things I am not so proud of, the person listening better have some time on his hands. But my spouts of bitchiness never lasts long. Usually just long enough for me to do something stupid that Karma gets wind of, and smacks me upside the head with. Never works, which really tends to piss me off, because when I am nice; do what I am "supposed" to, and treat others like I want to be treated, there seems to be quite a few that stay out of Karma's radar....there should really be a report button.

Now that dropping the kids off at the dad's house with a "handle it" is not really an option; neither is my few week road trip all by myself (that is where the bitch inside was really going to get full control) to "find myself", nor my rather dark moment thoughts of messing with people's relationships because they just are not right for each other (who the hell am I to decide?) or any other great ideas stemming from the inner bitch.  I guess in the long run, being good and nice and all that, really is what pays off.  So on this Monday morning,  I'm giving it a new try. Here's to a great week!  Hopefully Karma is paying attention this time.

1 comment:

  1. pretty interesting and scary I might add....
