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Friday, November 11, 2011


Well here it is.  11/11/11.  But besides the number being pretty cool, is there any significant meaning to the day?  Well that apparently is still up for discussion.  

 Fox News reports that  "perhaps the most intriguing 11/11/11 mythology to pop up is the number's link with the supposed 2012 Mayan Apocalypse. The ancient Mayan long-count calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012, and some people believe that this date will usher in a new spiritual era, or even doomsday. Nov. 11, 2011 most likely became linked with Dec. 21, 2012 when believers noticed that the U.S. Naval Observatory had set the exact time of the 2012 winter solstice for 11:11 Universal Time on Dec. 21, according to John Hoopes, a scholar of Maya history at the University of Kansas.

"It's essentially based on the notion of synchronicities," Hoopes told LiveScience. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences, he said. And while everyone has a psychological tendency to find minding in random patterns the subcultures that believe in 2012 mythology tend to be those that dabble in psychedelics and cannabis, drugs that increase feelings of synchronicity.
"If it seems like the 2012 mythology was thought up by people on drugs, it's because it was," Hoopes said.

And when you find yourself looking at the clock at exactly 11:11, it might be because a group of higher beings or angels are using it to bring themselves in to human awareness, according to the website .

Another website, Paradigmsearch, states there is no basis for believing that anything significantly bad or good will happen today. Yet, 47% of their readers believed something good will come of today, and only 13% believed something bad will happen. 

Do we really need scientific proof of whether this day is significantly good or bad?  I am determined to make it a good one! If nothing significant happens, well, I get to spend the whole day with my kids, so that should make it a well worth day anyway.  And when the angels make me look at my watch at 11:11, I will make a great wish.  Because whether it comes true or not, making the wish will certainly not hurt anyone.

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