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Thursday, February 23, 2012

9-year Old Dies After Punishment

One of the most senseless stories I've read this week! 

According to Yahoo News, little Savannah Hardin was forced by her stepmother and grandmother to run - for THREE HOURS - after lying about taking a candy bar.  Severely dehydrated, she had a seizure, and later died as a result of the punishment.

I am all for physical activity, and I am all for children learning consequences of their actions, but it should all be proportionate to their age, ability and severity of their actions.  To force a 9 year old to run for three hours?  With no water?  How on earth did they think that would end well?

The 27-year old stepmother and 46-year old grandmother face murder charges and are being held on $500,000 bond. Reading stories like this, I wish people could be charged with stupidity as well!!

You can read more about this story here.

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