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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Finding my place

Today I choose peace.  I choose to no longer be angry about what has happened to me, my own wrong doings, or what others have done to me. I can't change the past, so why waste my time?  Instead I choose peace.  I forgive myself for my mistakes - live, learn and move on.  Although I am far from where I want to be, I accept where I am, and I'm at peace.  Today is a fresh start, and tomorrow will follow; each day bringing me closer to where I want to be.  And each day I choose peace.

Just saying that makes me feel good.  I am hoping saying it enough will make it stick in my mind. However, I am not certain I can live by my words; sometimes tempers flare, and I would not exactly describe myself as a calm person. But what is life without a little spice? I will leave calmness to someone else.  I have things to get accomplished and places to go! For now, I go in peace...

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