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Sunday, December 19, 2010

I'm in Love!!!

It's been a busy week and a busier weekend. But in the midst of the Holiday rush, I decided to treat myself a little, and I have found the Perfect Man!  Damen...I think I'm in love!!!

For an hour and a half, this man touched my body in a way no one has ever done before....all in a room with the lights dimmed and soothing music playing, spiced occasionally with his quite sexy voice.  When I think about it, I have no idea what he looks like, but he has THE best hands and a very nice voice.

When he told me it was time to leave, I wanted to beg to stay longer, but my body felt like jello and  no words would come out.  And apparently I am not the only woman who thinks he is the perfect man so he had somebody else showing up (I agree, a bit of a slut...).  But he wants to see me again, and I am so excited about the prospect of doing this again.  So I didn't really mind it when he handed me a glass of water and sent me on my merry way.  Nor when he expected me to pay for our time together.  He was worth every penny!!

So to my list of must haves, I am adding nice, strong hands and a sexy, soothing voice!! Frankly, I think they'll have to go on top of the list!

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