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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Important Things in Life

As so many other Americans, I joined the ranks of the unemployed this week.  Losing your livelihood is a tough experience; not only because of the loss of income, but also because it is so easy to blame oneself and question everything one has done to end up here.  So very surprisingly, I have had nothing but pleasant experiences the last few days.

I immediately reached out to my closest friends and let them know what had happened, and I have to say, today my self esteem is higher than it has been for months. Not one just told me they were sorry and let it be with that. Besides telling me it is the company's loss and encouraging me to stay positive, every one offered their support by providing me names of personal friends who could be helpful in finding new employment, spreading the link of my blog, forwarding my resume to their own contacts, volunteered to watch my children so I can seek other employment etc. etc. As always, actions speak much louder than words.

Besides my paycheck, there is nothing sad about my changed employment status.  Hate is a strong word, but I think it describes pretty accurately how I felt about my job. However,  I had never expected so much support.  I guess when times are tough, you find out who your true friends are, and I am very pleased to say, that there are more people than I imagined that care about my and my children's well being. That in itself has put a permanent big smile on my face. More importantly, though, it has reinforced my faith in that everything will turn out just fine.

I can't change what happened yesterday, so there is no use in me waisting time being angry or upset about it.  I can only slightly influence what will happen tomorrow, so no use in worrying about it until it's here. But  I can live today to the fullest, and that is exactly what I intend to do!

I wish you all a wonderful week!

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