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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Perfect Offspring

How often don't we measure our own success in our children's behaviour, abilities and accomplishments? At least when you feel you didn't quite live up to your own potential, it is great to know you have these wonderful offsprings to carry on the dreams.

As most parents,  I think highly of my children's abilities, and try my best to install the notion that they can do anything they set their mind to.  Aim high is the motto!  I may have to reiterate that though.  As I strolled through the school hallways today looking at poems the children had made for Martin Luther King Day, it was with high expectations of my own children's writings I worked my my way down the wall.  I smiled as I read of their dreams of world peace, ending world hunger, providing housing for the homeless, ending wars and creating cures for cancer.  Then I saw my son's name.  But my smile faded slowly as I realized that rather than dreaming of becoming anybody or anything of importance,  he is dreaming of getting tattoos, owning a motorcycle and going skydiving. Greatness in the making, in other words.

At least he is handsome. Maybe that will get him a little farther. 

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