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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chris Brown Selling Pitbull Puppies....

It wasn't like a needed another reason not to like him; no, I have not forgiven him for beating up Rhianna. Have you?  And now I like him even less!!  I am pretty sure he doesn't care that he's on my bad side, but I am (not so) secretely hoping that this will affect his popularity negatively....eventually Karma has to catch up with this guy too!

I guess singing with Pitbull wasn't enough for Chris Brown, he is now apparently also breeding Pit Bull puppies, which he so graciously is putting up for sale for $1,000 each. Why?  Does he not make enough money on his music career?  Has he never heard of animal shelters overflowing with needy animals? Or is it that he simply just doesn't care?

According to the, there is an epidemic of Pit bull breeding right now, combined with a deluge of unwanted Pit bulls being abandoned, given away for free on Craigslist, or surrendered to animal shelters.  Yet, here is my very least favorite "star" adding to the problem by breeding more.   I hope he doesn't sell a single one, and end up spending his precious money taking care of these poor animals. Next  I hope he hires a new PR team who has the sense to talk him out of doing any more idiotic stunts!

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