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Monday, April 4, 2011

Boys and Their Toys

I guess we  all can boost our self confidence with appearance.  Women will usually feel better about themselves wearing nice expensive shoes, purses and jewelry, having beautiful nails, make-up and a great hair cut.  But I think we use that confidence a bit different than some men whose egos expand in tact with the size of their toys.

We had a beautiful spring day yesterday, and I enjoyed an hour in the sun on a dock by the canal, reading my book and watching boats go by.  Loved it!  As custom is, when a boat went by, I, along with the others on the dock waived, and most waived back. 

This beautiful cabin cruiser passed by, and again we all waived as we admired the boat.  The "captain" waived back and then did the "would you like to join me" arm motions. I love going out on boats; preferably with people I actually know, though, so I jokingly did the "sure, come back and pick me up" motion (if you're not familiar with this kind of body language, go hang out on a dock...), then went back to reading my book. Don't you know the idiot actually stopped his boat, and backed up....

Photo by Rosemary Ratcliff

Everybody else on the dock got a good giggle out of it as the boat approached and this vertically challenged, potbellied man invites me to join him for a boat ride. There were two other couples on the boat, but he made a point of stating he was alone and it would be nice to have a single woman join him. Whatever!  My mom always told me not to get into cars with strangers...I can't imagine she would approve any more of me getting on a boat with one. 

Now I'm quite tall, and in my 3" heels, I stood up and towered over this little man.  Thanks for the offer, but no thanks, as I could feel my cheeks burning...Nothing like being approached by Danny DeVito Jr. in front of a whole group of strangers.

I would love to say I'm out of his league, but apparently I've been moved to the minors...then again, he obviously had money, and in some guys minds, money can buy anything. So maybe I'm pretty enough to be the trophy he needed for the boat???  Yep, we're going with that one!  Good thing I wasn't in a bikini...

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