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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Things Men Just Don't Get

I don't think anybody will argue that men and women both think and act differently. That's a good thing! Two of me in one house would never work....but as much as we try to get along and understand each other, there are certain things men just don't get:

1. There is no such thing as too many shoes!
 Men might be able to get along with only 3 or 4 pairs of shoes.  For women; however, shoes, like accessories, has to match every outfit; hence a new outfit deserves a new pair of shoes. It doesn't matter that we have 40 or 50 pairs in the closet, there is always room for one more!

Photo by Maggi Smith/

2. "Nothing" never means "nothing". Figure out what you did wrong.

3. Me knowing how to use my tools, does not make you less of a man.

 Some men still think of women as these helpless creatures. Not true!  My tool set might be pink, but it works just as well as your black one. Just because I know how (or can follow directions well enough) to put together furniture, hang a shelf, or other not too difficult tasks around the house, does not mean I'm challenging your manhood. Believe me, you would know if I was.

Photo by Graeme Weatherstone/

4. If I have to do the clean up after your cooking, it's really not that big of a treat.  I will freely admit I am not that great of a cook, and the kitchen is not my favorite room in the house. The refrigerator on the other hand, is my best friend! But when I do cook, I also know how to clean as I go, so the kitchen is not a disaster zone. As much as I love getting a home cooked meal I didn't have to prepare myself; if I have to clean up afterwards, and the cleanup includes wiping down walls and scrubbing pots and pans for an hour, don't bother.  Take-out is so much less work!

5. Shopping a great sale is equivalent to saving money.
 Why can't guys get this?  I need new clothes for work, and wait for that great sale at Macy's. I bring along my extra 15% off coupon along with any other deals they may have mailed me ahead of time, and find great clothes at a great discount. When I only pay $117 for the $400 worth of clothes, yes, I did save almost $300. Don't argue that I wouldn't have bought the clothes at full price; that's not the point. 

Photo by Photostock/

6. Bitching is not an invitation for you to provide solutions to my problems. Listen, sometimes we just want to vent! I want to do the name calling about whomever it is I'm bitching about. I want to feel sorry for myself. I want to just be angry and get it all out.  What I don't want, is suggestions on how to resolve the situation. Once the explosion is over and I'm back to my normal, much less psycho self, I'm perfectly capable of figuring that out on my own. 

Just listen, nod your head and pretend to care. Take my side and agree that the everybody else is wrong. Don't make it more complicated than it is.

7. Getting flowers is nice any day of the week, just not when you did something wrong. I love flowers, and even though the birthday, Mothers' Day, Christmas and "just because" flowers are the nicest, I also like the apology flowers.  However, a lot of women don't.  The flowers just serve as a reminder of whatever he did wrong, and thereby prolongs the pain.

And please, do not send the flowers to the office.  If it's not her birthday, anniversary or a special holiday, we all know he did something wrong.  "What did he do this time?" gets old really fast!

8. Women treat intimate details different than men - we can share, you can't. Some things should probably not be shared at all, but women usually have that one really close girlfriend with whom they can share anything. And then I mean anything! But those relationships are built on mutual trust, and any private details never goes further than the two of them.  We love our men, but we will talk about them and our relationships with our girlfriends. That's just how it is.

But I will admit, if my husband had ever shared the same details with his buddies, I would be furious.  Double standard? Maybe, but I've encountered too many assholes who took the information their friend shared with them in confidence and made it in to a great story at a party. So unless the buddy has the touchy-feely gene, no details should be shared...

Photo  by Idea Go/

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