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Monday, April 11, 2011

Dumb and Dumber

So after writing about Iggy Pop last week, I went to a concert Friday night. And wouldn't you know it, two older, not at all attractive guys pulled their shirts any of us actually wanted to see them shirtless. So I snapped pictures just for fun, but check what else I found when I looked a little closer:

I can't tell who the other two faces are, but the guy has a tattoo of Hitler on his back.  Seriously?!?  Like being old and overweight wasn't a big enough deterrent not to remove clothing in public, he also chooses to show off these tattoos? 

Who the hell is stupid enough to get a permanent print of Hitler on their body, and then actually blatantly display their ignorance to the rest of the world?  Well, obviously this guy is.  His buddy is just old, guess we'll give him some slack for that, but he still gets the "dumb" for hanging with Mr. Tattoo. 

And they wonder why they can't get a date....

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