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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dating vs. Friendship

I had the perfect summer fling last year; of my list of must haves in a guy, he was a perfect 10. And for the first time since leaving my marriage, I fell in love.  The good times ended abruptly; however, when Yours Truly had a major meltdown, and decided to put it all in an email in the middle of the night.  He apparently was not ready to deal with "the dark side" of Ms. Pink. Sadly, you don't get great make-up sex for meltdowns...that apparently only comes with arguments. Of course I wish I had thought of that before sending the infamous email, but I wasn't thinking too much at the time.

We have since made up and are now "friends".  No we are not!  It is impossible to be friends with someone you totally fell in love with.  I know that some divorced couples manage to stay friendly; I try that too.  When you have been in a partnership with someone over several years, you continue to care about their well being, and in many instances there are children to consider, but I dare to say that none are true friends. My "perfect man" and I text flirt; not during sex like some apparently like to do, but texting while on a date is not so bad...; we email,  some times we talk on the phone, and very occasionally we meet for lunch.  Basically we try to act like friends, but every time it stirs up all those good feelings again, and then the not so good ones when things go nowhere...again.

 So we are moving on, but sadly, he seems to have ruined the whole dating experience for me.  Rather than seeing the good in any other guy, they all get compared to him, and never really measure up.  Someone said that love is the only cure for a broken heart.  But it's hard to fall in love without really giving a guy a fair chance. Wish there was a cure!  If you know of one, let me know!

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