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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sick and Tired

I'm usually a pretty perky person.  I love life, and try to make the most of it.  Work is part of "making the most of it" for me.  If I didn't have to work, I would anyway, just not so much, and probably for a charity.  Unfortunately the lottery numbers keep coming up wrong, so as most of us, I am still in the category of having to work.

I have some great co-workers and customers, and most of the time, I enjoy my work.  But what I cannot stand, is to be talked down to and treated like a two-year old. The whole "let me prove to you who is the boss" attitude just irks me!!  I have no idea what management course they teach this in, but they need to eliminate it!!

It is just not at work I see this.  At the bank the other day, a man just went off on the teller when their computer system was slow.  Like it was her fault?  I finally got so irritated, I told him that maybe if he was a little nicer to people, there is a great chance he would get better service also. He got this puzzled look on his face like "What?  My attitude has anything to do with how I am treated?"  Idiot!!

It is no different than raising your children.  Can you imagine how much progress your child would make if you never praised him or her for anything they did right, but only pointed out what they did wrong?  Every day? That would be one insecure child!  Adults are no different. I don't care how good you are at what you do. If you are never given recognition for anything you do right, it is only a matter of time before you stop caring about what you do. To me this is the basics of human interaction.  The Golden Rule. Why are there still so many managers that can't figure this out?

Bottom line is, respect doesn't come with a title, it is earned. If you treat me and others like crap, guess what? We have no respect for you.  Go figure!

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