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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

New year, new opportunities!

This year I celebrated New Year's Eve with my girlfriends.  Girls' night out, and we had a blast!  It would have been even better if I had not decided to wear my new shoes...they were awfully sexy with heals so high that my ass was almost back in place, but an hour or two in to the night, my toes were killing me!!  Nothing a few drinks didn't help, so open bar was a good thing!

Anyway, we danced the night away, and started off the new year really feeling our age, but oh how much fun we had. Good thing it's a whole year till next time!  We must have impressed somebody though, because by the end of the first day of the New Year, I had three invites for dates, so 2011 is really looking up.

I have great expectations for this year; career wise, health wise, and yes, in the romance department. Pretty sure this is my year!

Guess we'll find out!

Wish you all a happy and eventful 2011!!

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