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Monday, January 24, 2011

Texting During Sex???

Social Media overload?  I admit, I am completely addicted to Facebook and can't go many hours without checking what's going on.  A day without my email? Are you kidding?  An hour without my phone?  Not happening.  But there are times I can do without any of it.  During sex would be one of those times, but apparently not everybody thinks like me.

According to a 1000 person survey by Retrevo last year, 11% of people under the age of 25 and 6% of those over the age of 25 thinks it's OK to be interrupted by a text message during sex, and will actually stop to check the message.

I most be old fashioned, but if I can't keep a guy's attention even during sex, that would be the end of that story for me.....and it would cause a severe flare up of midlife crisis!!! 

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