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Monday, March 21, 2011

For better or worse

Even with the staggering divorce rates,  I would hope that most people enter into a marriage with the intent of spending their lives together - for better or worse, through sickness and health, isn't that what we promise at the altar?

But for some apparently career comes before everything else.  Guatemala's first lady, Sandra Torres de Colom, wants the same opportunities as her husband, President Alvaro Colom.  Apparently they have some pesky, little law preventing relatives of the current president from running for office.  But Sandra found a way around that one. She is now divorcing him to be able to run as the next presidential candidate.
I guess she showed them!  But I wonder if the president will object.  How unfair would that be that he doesn't get to share in running the country if she wins, when she got to be part of his presidency? 

A little drastic maybe, but why couldn't Laura Bush have come up with that idea after her husband's first four years in office?  I am convinced she would have done a hell of a better job than he did his second term!!!

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