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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Photo Shoot

I don't know what I was thinking.  For my Facebook account, I have yet to get a presentable picture, but somehow I thought that today was the day.  Yeah, that was a real pick-me-upper - NOT!

How is it possible to take 22 pictures and not have a single one turn out even close to decent?  I looked at myself in the mirror prior to taking these, and I did not look like that!  If not everybody else's pictures turned out so nicely, I would return the damn camera for only capturing ugly!

I looked through the the instructions, but there were no settings that specifically stated elimates wrinkles and makes a smirk look like a great smile....maybe it's time for some of these camera stores to not only offer classes on how to take good pictures, but also on how to be in one without showing all your worst features.  I really need that class! 

Im going to the bathroom now to look in the mirror again - because either it or the camera is lying!!  I really hope it is the latter.

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